Over the past decade, the Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation (GLM) has been systematically developed by Tony Ward and colleagues, and has been adopted by many different jurisdictions both locally and internationally. Its ethical core is that of human rights and it starts from the assumption that while offenders have obligations to respect other peoples' entitlements to well being and freedom, they are also entitled to the same considerations. This is particularly so when it comes to the implementation of punishment and reintegration initiatives. Two fundamental intervention aims follow from this ethical starting point, the enhancement of offenders' well-being and reduction of their risk of further offending. According to the GLM, these goals are inextricably linked and the best way to create a safer society is to assist offenders to adopt more fulfilling and socially integrated lifestyles.
This site is designed to provide interested researchers, practitioners and policy makers with an up-to-date account of GLM publications, as well as information regarding GLM applications and programmes, current evaluations/research projects, key contacts and information on GLM consultancy and training services. To encourage and support development and application of the GLM, we invite you to contact us about the model and its operationalisation. We look forward to hearing from you. |